neceffary to the attaixing of it. 173 the defign of which comparifons is to in- SE R Nt, duce men to an attentive confidera.tion. III. The beauty of wifdom doth not ftrike the fenfes as external objects do ; it Both not by noife and tumult, or by a glittering thew, captivate the fancy, which inftead of favour- ing is rather an enemy to its pretenfions ; but it addreffeth the underftanding, and be- fpeaketh our affection, by that fubftantial worth which will abide a ftrift and impar- tial examination. This is what methinks we fhould be induced eafily to comply with, becaufe it is fo becoming that reafon we boaft of as the high prerogative of our na- ture. Here now is a great difference be- tween the love of wifdom and other affec- tions, that it is always accompanied with the approbation of the underftanding, nay, and í1i11 the more we confider the more we approve it. It is an affection wherein we fhall always be juftified to ourfelves, which is a ftrong argument in its favour, as it lay - eth a fure foundation of inward peace. Is it not unworthy of intelligent creatures to run blindly into the purfuit of any thing, without having carefully inquired into, and judged of its nature, its worth, and its ufe- fulnefs ? Thofe creatures are not to be blamed who have n4 capacity of reflecting and rea- foning