Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

neceAry to the attaining of it. 177 weights ; the foul hath a great (hare in form- S E R M. ing, railing, and regulating its own delires, VII. and by an attention to the motives of delire, `"V-4 examining them carefully, and applying it- felf to the confideration of proper arguments, which it hath naturally a power to do, the current of its inclinations may be changed ; thofe which are evil and irregular cured, and the good farther ftrengthened and con- firmed. Our bleffed Saviour, iii his excellent let- mon on the mount, which containeth the fum of his falutary do ±rive, pronounceth them bleffed who hunger and thirfi after righteoufnefs, Matt. v. 6. That righteouf- nefs is true religion, the fame thing which Solomon calleth wifdom, and the bell pre- paratory difpofition in order to our attain- ing it, and enjoying the happy fruits and rewards of it, is an eager appetite, exprefred by hungering and thirfting, which is railed in the mind by a fcrious attention. After- wards, in his inftru Live parables, Matt. xiii, he reprefenteth true piety and virtue under the fimilitude of treafure hid in a field, and a pearl of great price, to the end we may be engaged to feek it earnefily and above all things, which is the firfi and abfolutely ne- ceffary qualification in order to our attaining V o L. III. N it,