Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

i 82 The Love of Wifdom S E x M. fentiments and difpofitions by which the VII. love of wifdom difcovereth itfelf; and I ""'" fhall confider in the Second place, how they contribute to our attaining that excellent quality. We fee in the ordinary courfe of human life and affairs, defre putteth men upon that labour and di- ligence which are the ordinary means of fuccefs, and even reconcileth them to that difficulty and pain, which otherwife would feem very grievous ; fuch an effect it had upon 'acob, as to make feven years of fer- vice feem but as a few days, Gen. xxix. 20. Which however he complaineth of chap. xxxi. 4o. as very irkfom, the troll con fumed him by night, and the heat by day ; and in a multitude of inftances, we commonly fee that ftrong affections excite men to painful labour, and even make fufferings appear light, which otherwife would be thought infupportable. The covetous and the am- bitious toil incefllantly, they rife early and fit up late, they eat the bread of farrows, that they may compafs the ends to which their feveral inclinations them, though they are under difcouragement from experience, which often fheweth that fuch endeavours are un- fuc cefsful. But there is a more certain con - neecion