Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

necefar y to the attaining of it. x 83 neElion between the love of wifdom and the S E RM.: obtaining it, .becaufe it doth not depend on VII. things without, which are not in our power, `--v"--4 and the very affection is a part and degreo of the acquifition and the enjoyment. An high efteem, an earneft delire, and tranfcen- dent delight in religion and virtue, have in them the reality of religion and virtue ìtfelf, which being a quality of the mind, mull be principally feated in the affections, and is really, though imperfectly, there where it is beloved. The love of wifdom includeth in it the root of every pious and virtuous inclination and every good practice; they who love it, will be difpofed to hearken to its counfels, to receive its inftructions, and conform to its rules. Solomon telleth us, Prov, viii. g. that the words of wifdom or righteoufnefs are allplain to him that underJlandeth; it is not difficult to a mind that hath a fervent affection to it, as Mofes excellently fpeaketh concerning the commandments of the moral law, Dent. xxx. it. And it is applied by the apoftle to the word of faith or the gofpel, which is to us the rule of religious virtue This com- mandment is not hidden from thee, neither is it far of It is not in heaven, that thou Jhouldefl fay, who Jhall go up for us to hea- N 4 ven