192 Diligence in feeking Wifdom SE x M. love of wifdom is not an idle affection, reff- VIII. ing in the heart ; it is an active principle, which will exert itfelf in vigorous endea- vours. Nothing is more ufual with men than to give good words, to pay a compli- mental refpet to religious virtue, and ac- knowledge its tranfcendent excellency; and, the truth is; they cannot help acknowledg- ing it in their hearts, being naturally and neceflarily determined fo to do. But when they are called upon to pratife according to the direction of their avowed principle, then the coldnefs of their love, and,the ftrength of their contrary inclinations appear. No- thing can fufliiciently prove the fincerity of our profeffed affection to wifdom, but that feeking it early recommended in the text; whic, I (hall, in this difcourfe, Firji, Endeavour to explain ; and then, Secondly, Shew the advantage of it in the affurance of fuccefs, or the happy event ; if we feek wifdom early we shall find it. Fiij7, Let us confider what is meant by feeking wifdom early ; which is evidently this, that it hath the chiefeft room in our cares and application. That which is higheif in