Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

always fuccefsfi f. 193 in our eíleem, mofi earnefily defired and S E x M. delighted in, will naturally engage our firft concern and endeavours, while matters of i-"" an inferior confideration are jufily polipo- ned. Our Saviour requireth us to feek, firíl, the kingdom of God and his righteouf- nefs; and the apoflle recommendeth it to chriftians, that they feek the things which are above. Both thefe exhortations fignify the fame thing with that in the text ; for what is the kingdom of God and his righté- oufnefs ? and what are the things above, but the perfefiion of wifdom ? Or, if we will make a difference between religion and the rewards of it, yet that maketh no difference in the manner of feeking ; for glory, ho- nour, and immortality, are fought no other - wife than by a patient continuance in well - doing, which is nothing elfe but the prac- tice of religious wifdom. Diligence in feek- ing wifdom evidently fuppofeth a high efteem for it, and an ardent delire ; but the fentiments and difpofitions imported in the love of it, I confidered in difcourfing on the firft part of the text : In purfuance of which, and as the very meaning of feeking wifdom, there muff be an afliduous and confiant ufe of all proper means, and the vigorous exer- cife of our own powers, of our underfiand- VoL.III, O ings,