Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

always fuccefsful. 195 Secondly, And if we would indeed Peek S E R M. wifdom, it muff be by the confiant ufe of VIII the proper means in order to our obtaining `'Y ' it. Thefe the nature of the thing diredeth, and to us they are clearly marked out in that divine revelation which is given to us for a rule. We are required to fearch the holy fcriptures, and attend to the opportunities of inftrudion, to hearken diligently, and, as Solomon fpeaketh, to wait at wifdom's doors; efpecially to prac`iife religious virtue, which is naturally the way to acquire habits of it, and even to arrive to perfection in them. We can never reafonably pretend to delire any thing which is attainable, the way be- ing prefcribed for attaining it, while we negle& that way, and abandon ourfelves to a fupine indolence, or to a contrary courfe. In the common affairs of life we judge of a man's difpofitions by his praftice, and of his intention by the means he maketh ufe of ; if we obferve a man diligent in his call- ing, we conclude, and very juflly, that he . is intent upon the comfortable maintainance of his family ; if we fee one continually pradifng anÿ art, we judge that it is his intention to be matter of it, and reap the benefit which may arife from it. After the fame manner we may reafonably infer, that 02 if