Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

I! Diligence in feeking Wifdont SE R mr. if a man be induftrious in ufing the means VIII. of religion, and prattifing its rules, it is hiS `' intention to get the knowledge of it, and perfeEtion in it; if he patiently continueth in well-doing, and is ftedfaft and unmove- able, abounding in the work of the Lord, he knoweth and expeaeth his labour íhall not be in vain. But, on the contrary, let his profeffion be ever fo goody and if he flatters himfelf that his love of wifdom is great, and his delires and hopes of the re- ward of it very ftrong, yet if he doth not deny ungodlinefs and worldly lulls, and live Eberly, righteoufly, and godly, in this world; if inftead of crucifying the AA with its af- feElions and lulls, he giveth up himfelf to work wickednefs with greedinefs ; the prac- tice of that perfori giveth his profeílìon the lie, he deceiveth himfelf, and his pretended religion is vain. Not every one who maketh the loudeft and moft pompons profefíion, or, as our Saviour expreffeth it, who faith unto him, Lord, Lord, pretending the greateft refpe& to him, is the greateft proficient in wifdom, the moft approved difciple of Chrift, and the belt qualified for entering into the kingdom of heaven : But he who is labori- ous in good works, and is continually en- deavouring to do the will of God. Many, faith 1!