,193 Diligence in feeking Wifdom SE R M. make any profefiïon of religion at all, are VIII. generally fet upon the reward of it under `'-""--' the notion of a great happinefs, which in deed God propofeth in order to encourage and engage us to diligence. But the truth is, to Peek it ; and to feek wisdom or reli- gion itself, is juft the fame thing ; and the facred writers always take care to teach us, that in vain shall we hope to obtain the crown of glory, unlefs by the practice of holiness, or walking in the paths of virtue: 2 I'im. E. s. If a man afo /lrive for mat eries, yet is be not crowned except he flriveth law- fully, according to the rules of the course; that is, in the prefent cafe, by a careful ab- flinence from all fin, and abounding in the exercife of every virtue. Lafily, Being thus folicitous, and having made a choice of the bell means, diligence, or feeking early, importeth ufing them fre- quently and with fpirit and vigour. The fcriptures often warn us againft sloth, and, particularly, Solomon in this book, giveth us a very clear and lively defcription of that difeafe of the mind which debafeth it, waft - eth its ftrength by an infenfible but fatal confumption, and burieth its natural active powers in a vile ftupidity. It is true what lie for the rnoft part defcribeth under that name,