always fuccefsful. 199 name, and earneftly difuadeth from, thew- SE R M. ing its unhappy tendency, is idlenefs and VIII. inaaivity in temporal affairs, which is itfelf '`--3 folly and wickednefs ; but it may be eafily applied to the bufinefs of religion, in which we cannot hope to make any progrefs, with- out an earneft and vigorous application ; for thefe are prejudices to be conquered, temp- tations and infirmities to be refilled, and, in the generality of men, corrupt cuftoms and foolifh opinions to be unlearned, which will require mature confideration and care, both in the Rudy and the praaice of wifdom. The criminal negligence by all means to be avoided is, either the total omifion of our duty, or the fuperficial and fpiritlefs per- formance, both which proceed from the fame indifpofition of mind, they are equally faulty, and obftru& our proficiency in wif- dom. A ferious attention to the frame of our nature, and the prefent conftitution of things, will convince us that induftry is very be- coming fuch creatures as we are. From the relation and dependance of things, and the ufes they ferve in the fyftems of nature, we infer the defign of them; and if that way of reafoning be juft, nothing will appear more plain to any confiderate perfon, than that 0 4 the