200 Diligence in Peeking Wigan? S ER M. the powers and capacities of our nature, VIII. now in a ftate of weaknefs, a kind cf in- l'"'"v'd fancy, are to be improved by ufe, and car. reed on by degrees to maturity in their heft and nobleft accomplifhments, that is, in knowledge and virtue. And our bleffed Sa- viour, the great matter of our religion, whofe precepts are perfe&ly agreeable to reafon, hath injoined induftry to his difci. pies that they may grow up to perfe&ion; the method he prefcribeth of advancing in religion to the /lature of perfell men, as the apoftle fpeaketh, is, by a careful confidera. tion, and ftudy, and praEtice ; it is by ufe that we have our internal fenfes exercifed to difcern good and evil ; and by ufe we ac- quire a facility in the praaice of patience, temperance, godlinefs, and all the other chriftian graces. Such diligence is efta- blifhed by a perpetual and univerfal law of chriftianity, which bindeth every difciple of the Lord Jefus ; and in proportion to it he hath declared, that their rewards fhall be, when he cometh to reckon with his fervants, and render to every man according to his works. He hath entrufted them all with talents, diftributing to them as he hath thought fit, according to their feveral abi- lities; but a price is put into the hand of every ï!sÌ'G'i { . . a