always fuccefsf u 1. 201 every one to get wifdom; and the flothful S E R M. fervant is, in his account, a wicked one, and VIII. will be condemned for his unprofitable - nefs : But, for the diligent and faithful, their recompence (hall be in exact propor- tion to the meafure of their improvement. Thus I have endeavoured to explain the feeking of wifdom early, and (hewn you, that it importeth a follicitude and carnal: intention of mind to attain it, the choice of proper means, and diligence in the ufe of them. I proceed in the Second place, to confider the advantages . of it, the affurance we have of fuccefs, or the happy event, that if we q-eek wifdom early, we (hall find it. It will be the lefs neceffary to infift upon this, becaufe I ex- plained fo largely the influence which the firft qualification, the love of wifdom hath upon our obtaining it ; and with the love of wifdom feeking it early, hath a neceffary connection, as the certain infeparable effect; fo that the manner of its contributing to the end of our gowing wifer or more virtuous, is illuftrated the fame way. You fee the text containeth an exprefs promife made in the name of wifdom, they that feels me early fha11 find me. Diligence import - eth