always fuccefsful. 203 his holy fpirit to them aß, and feek, and S E x M. knock; that is, who ufe great earneftnefs, VIII. importunity, and conftancy, to obtain it, in `--vJ order by that divine affiftance to become wifer and better, more pious and virtuous. Again, it is plain that diligence in feeking wifdom or religion is really praaifing it. This is a means which the nature of the thing, and the fcripture direct us to ufe ; and we find in all thofe things the knowledge whereof or dexterity in them is acquired, it is by application and practice we arrive to perfeäion. Thus it is that habits of all forts are attained, and facility and pleafure in them ; that which men indeed have a ca- pacity for, but are unpra tifed in it, is dif- ficult at firft and painful, afterwards becom- eth eafy and delightful ; and it cannot be otherwife confidering the imperfeEtion of the human capacity. Seeing, therefore, the feeking of wifdom is doing thofe things wherein it confifteth, the effect of our be- ing accuftomed to them, muff be our find- ing or increafing in it. Having now finifhed what I intended, in general, in difcourfing on this text, I hope I (hall not depart far from the defign of it, in recommending two particular directions by way of application ; one is, to feek wifdom in the