Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

204 Dilrgdnce in feeking i ifdom E R M. the beginning of every day; and the other, to VIII. reek it in the morning of life or in youth. Firfi, ' " ''Religion is the proper bufinefs of every day; it is not a folemn feparate affair, which only requires an attendance at force fpecial fea- Ions, and ordinarily to be laid afide ; it ought to mix itfelf with all our concerns, and if it be fo, it mutt be fit for us to be- gin every day with it. Thus did the pious Pfalmift, Pf v. 3. Myvoice (halt thou hear in the morning. O Lord, in the morning will I direhl my prayer unto thee, and will look up. They who fincerely feek God, leek wif- dom in the firft place, and fervent prayer is one means of obtaining it ; games i. 5. If any man lack wifdom, let him rrfk of God, .and it (hall be given him. A religious r?ifpo- fition will naturally direst to this; for if de- vout affedtions are prevalent, they will de- termine our firft waking thoughts to it as the moft efteemed objeit; and, furely, if the bent of our inclinations is towards wifdom, we (hall be inclined to fix on this as the heft opportunity for applying ourfelves to it, when refrefhed with fleep, the body giveth lets difturbance to the mind, and is more free from that dulnefs and inadtivity, which :affe t it when tired and worn out with la- bour, and with thofe amufements and avo- 3 cations it