always fucc f ful. 205 cations with which the fenfes and the ima- S E x rß. gination load it through the daily courfe of VIII. our converfation with the world. Every `-'' day of our lives we enter into new (cenes of vanity and temptation, againft which the greateft vigilance and precaution we can ufe is fcarcely fufficient for our defence ; but certainly it muff be a great advantage to have the foul fortified by an early refolu- tion, as the refult of ferions thought, and by a diligent endeavour to get fuch impref- fions made as may abide through the whole courfe of our affairs, and enable us to main- tain an uniform tenor of fpirit in all events which may befal us, and the variety of bufinefs in which we may be engaged. Other affairs which men are folicitous about, they apply themfelves to early ; and if re- ligion be a bufinefs of the greateft import- ance, it juftly requireth an early attendance; efpecially, that wifdom may get the (tart of folly in our thoughts, and the exercifes of our minds (which very often it doth not) and a feafonable provifion may be made againft the natural weaknefs of the mind, and the temptations which may be expeEled to affault it. The merchant, that he may increafe his gain in the way of his lawful occupation ; the hufbandman, that he may know the flaw of his flocks, and whether hia 'i.