Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

T.. 206 Diligence in feeking Wifdom S E R M. his fruits be fafe and profpering, and apply VIII. his cares as their condition requireth ; the ""'"' fcholar, that he may make proficiency in his learning rifeth early, and is aflduous in la- bour; and fhall not he whofe bufinefs is re- ligion, and who hath his falvation to work out, be as diligent, and attend his moil im. portant concern in the prime of every day, the beft feafon for fuch labour. 2dly, Let the young be perfuaded to feek wifdom early, to feek it in youth, a feafon which bath great advantages for fuch exer- cifes. Solomon, having in his book of Ecclefafles largely defcribed the vanity and vexation of all ,things under the fun, and having made bitter reflections on the folly of irreligion, and of men's indulging them - felves in the way of their hearts, and the fight of their eyes, propofeth this exhorta- tion, chap. xii. r. and preffeth it by firong arguments, remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. When all the powers of nature are in their vigor, and the mind in the heft aptitude to receive firong and laft- ing impreflìons ; then is the propereft fea- fon for learning any thing, but efpecially, confidering the pronenefs of mankind to folly, which is confirmed and rendered more inveterate by ciaftom, it is plain we (hall