Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

always fuccefsful. 207 Lhall moll: fuccefsfully employ ourfelves in S E R Nr. the fludy of religion in the prime of life; VIII. I for how much caller is it for the mind un- debauched by vicious cufloms, to receive a good tin lure, and be turned towards vir- tue, than to unlearn evil habits, which have long prevailed and taken deep root, and to mortify corrupt inclinations, which are be- come obdurate by indulgence having had a long poffeílìon. If young perfons could be perfuaded to enter into a ferious confidera- tion of the infirmities and difadvantages of old age, the evil days, as Solomon calleth them, and the years wherein we Jhall fay, there is no pleafure in them, it might hap- pily prevail with them to provide better againfi the otherwife infupportable burden, by a feafonable diligence in their duty ; that the forrows of thofe painful and uncom- fortable remains of life might be alleviated, by the peaceful refieElions of an approving confcience on a well ordered converfation, rather than load declining years with a work, to which they are altogether unequal, the very beginning of religion, the exercife of repentance from dead works; and proceed- ing upon that early foundation, fo to finifh a good courfe, as to have well grounded hope of an abundant entrance into the everlafting king-