2O`3 Diligence infeeking Wifdbns S E R M. kingdom of our SaviourJefus Chrift. Betide, VIII. it is altogether uncertain, whether ever you -- fhall arrive at old age (as every one from daily obfervation and experience will find himfelf obliged to acknowledge, however little influence it may have on the temper of his mind and his condu&) ; and there- fore to neglect the feeking of wifdom in youth is to rifque your falvation, and to lofe what may be the beft, nay only, opportunity of providing for a future Bate. It is true, youth hath its difadvantages too; it is the age of folly and vanity ; animal affe &ions are then vehement; inexperience and thoughtleffnefs, precipitate the unwary young man into fnares; but this is fo far from being a juft objection againft feeking wifdom early, that, on the contrary, it is a ftrong argument for it, there being no other prefervative againft the mentioned inconveniency and all its fatal confequences ; and the difficulties how- ever great are not lefrened, but increafed ra- ther, by neglecting the concerns of religion, and yielding to vicious inclinations. But the more general application relateth to all the Rages of life, indeed, to every part of our time. I do not mean that we Mould be continually employed in the im- mediate duties of what is ftri fitly called re- ligion,.