'always fuccefful. 209 ligion. Wifdom is more comprehenfive, and S E R rit: its influence fhould reach to the directing all VIII. our affairs. It is a good precedent David `"" giveth us, Tfal. ci. 2. I will behave myfelf wifely in a perfect way. I will walk within nay houfe with a perfect heart : in all my do- meflic concerns, and, by a parity of reafon, in all the other bufinefs of life. But as all our affairs fhould be conducted by the principles of religious virtue, I (hewed you, that to feek it early, fignifieth making it the chief bufi- nefs, the ruling defire of our hearts, and our conftant labour, as Solomon often in this book advifeth, affuring us, that our labour (hall not be in vain, chap. ii. 3, 4. If thou cri ji after knowledge, and lift l up thy voice for underjianding, if thou feekeft her as fiver, and fearch ji for her as for hid trea- fures, then 'halt thou under( and the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. And in chap. iv. 5, 7. Get wifdom, get un- derflanding, forget it not, neither decline from the words of my mouth. Wifdom is the principal thing, therefore get wifdom, and with all thy getting, get under( anding. What Solomon faith concerning the fuccefs of induftry in religion, is attefted by the ex- perience of others, who by due pains, in fpite of all difadvantages, have attained to it. VOL. III. P Un-