210 Diligence infeeking Wifdom S ER M. Unwearied endeavours have overcome dif- ficulties, which feemed to be very great, removed hindrances which were in the way, and let the diligent ftudents into the fecrets of it, making thofe things, which, accord- ing to this author's exprefíion, are too high for a fool, plain and familiar to them. But, befides the excellency of the thing it- felf, that is, of wifdom or virtue, which fhould engage us to the profecution of it, Solomon telleth us, we (hall have great benefit by it, as in chap. iv. 6, 8. She 'hall preferve and keep thee, fie (hall promote thee, and bring thee to honour. It is natural for men to feek happinefs ; whatever other principles of ac- tion we have, affections to other beings, and particular felfifh paffions, we are fure there is in every one of mankind a general delire of felicity, and that we have a power of choofing the means for obtaining it, in which reafon, obfervation, and experience are our guides. Now, the feeking of wifdom, or a conftant and diligent ufe of the proper means for obtaining religious virtue, by a careful attention to the rules and motives of it, and endeavouring to grow up to perfec- tion in practice, this is the higheft enjoy- ment our nature is capable of, as well as the molt reafonable exercife of our powers. God