Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

always fuccefsful. 2 r i tod hath annexed pleafure to fuch dili- S E x M: gence, and the good man is fàtised from VIII. himfelf; a pure and a folid fatisfaétion arifeth from fuch an exercife of his capacities, and ufe of his talents. We have the concurring teftimony of good men concerning the joy which fpringeth up in their minds from a ferious affectionate meditation on God's pre- cepts, and, efpecially, from their abound= ing in good works ; whereas an unmanly in- dolence taketh away the relifh of life itfelf, and rendereth it but an infipid and burthen- fome duration ; and for the pleafure of the external fenfes, though they enjoy it to as great perfection as any men, not the lefs but the more for their keeping within the bounds of innocence and moderation ; yet it is far from being their chief enjoyment: The improving of their minds in knowledge and virtue, and the practice of piety, righte- oufnefs, and charity, yieldeth a vaftly more noble and intenfe fatisfaction. Every fiep of our proficiency in wifdom will bring an increafe of pleafure ; the light which is fown for the righteous fhineth more and more to the perfect day; and the joy of the up- right in heart, as it will grow up to a full harveft in the future Bate, when they who fow to the fpirit, bringing forth the fruits of P2 it