Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

z r z Diligence infeeking Wifdonz' S F R M. it plentifully, (hall reap life everlafting, Gat. VIII. vi. 8. So even in this prefent life, which is their feed time, they reap true and fubftan- tial happinefs in the approbation of their own confciences, and firmly believing in Chrilt, though now they fee him not, they rejoice with joy unfpeakable and full of glory. This being the bell improvement we can make of our powers and capacities, we tref- pafs againft the law of our creation as well as againft the revealed will of God ; either if we do not fo employ thofe powers and capacities, or ufe them to contrary purpofes. We fee other creatures which have a &ive powers conflantly ufing them according to the dire&ion of nature ; and if we carefully attend to our own conftitution, it mull ap- pear that this is the molt proper improve- ment we can make of our powers. Solomon fendeth the fluggard for inftru &ion to the ant, which by a natural inftint is diligent in providing againft future wants, and to anfwer the purpofes of its being. Creatures of a fuperior order are zealous and diligent in their higher fpheres, and in employing their capacities for the proper ends of them. And (hall we only be unadtive, hide our ta- lents in the earth, or abufe them to mean and unworthy purpofes ? Chri- 101