[ 214 SERMON IX. SELF - GOVERNMENT effentialto WISDOM. PROVERBS XXV. 28. He that bath no rule over his own fpirit, it bike a city broken down, and without walls. E R M. AS it is the profeffed defign of this book IX. to recommend religious virtue under '' the charater of wifdom, the author, in his çoncife and unconnected manner of writing, hinteth feveral ftrong arguments to prefs his main fcope, which I have endeavoured to explain ; and then I propofed to confider the dire ?ions he giveth in order to our at- taining wifdom. If men are once won to a juft efteem of that great endowment which is the very perfection of the human nature, the nobleft accomplifhment of the mind ; and if they be thoroughly fenfible of the unfpeakable advantages which will accrue to them from it both in this world and the next, this will naturally produce the love of wifdom;