Self - government fential to Wifdonn. 2 r 5 wifdom, and an ardent delire after it, which S E R M. is the firft qualification ; and, next, an ear- IX. neft diligent endeavour, or feeking wifdom `'!""4 early ; both which I have confidered. But the great queftion is concerning the proper object of our diligence. In every art or fcience a man learneth, he muff know how to employ his induftry ; it is not enough to tell him he muff take pains, he muff be made to underftand how he ought to beftow his pains. The artificer is acquainted with his tools, and the manner of ufing them, and with the proper materials of his labour : The man of letters is directed in the choice of his books, and the proper fubje t of his fiudy. In like manner the teachers of reli- gious wifdom thew us what are the objets about which it is converfant, and they are our own hearts : The votaries of virtue muft there apply their ftrength and their molt careful attention ; and their confront bufinefs is to obferve, and duly to regulate, the affections, difpofitions, and voluntary movements of their own minds. Solomon direCteth us, Prov. iv. 23. To keep the heart with all diligence, for out of it are the ijfues of life ; and, in the text, he fheweth the wretched, the forlorn, and ruinous condi- tion of the perfon who hath no rule over P 4 his