Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

Self-government effential to Wifdom. 225 minal caufes by which we are betrayed into S E x M. them, and in too haftily following their di- IX. redtion without inquiring whether it be right or wrong. This power of deliberating and fufpending determinations we are confcious of, and can never juftify it to ourfelves, that we do not exercife it upon proper occafions. No man findeth himfelf under a neceffity of confenting to every propofal which is made to him, or of following every fuggeftion in his mind. He hath a power of doing or for- bearing, of choofing or refufing ; nay, we are not under a neceffity of acting according to the firft apparent probability; we can fufpend our judgment and our choice till we have confidered more maturely, till we have examined whether there be not a ftronger argument, and a jufler motive of action on the other fide. By a confiant careful atten- tion, a fincere, that is, a diligent impartial inquiry, a great many of our errors might be corredted, which are the unhappy fources of ill conduct; thofe vain images formed in the fancy, into the eager and indeliberate purfuit of which we fuller ourfelves to be hurried, might be prevented, and that confufed affemblage of thoughts which ex- citeth ftrong propenfities and averfions, very often unreafonable, might be broken. V o Ilia ° hi$