Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

226 Self - government eDéntial to WiJdorn. S ER M. This is the firít, and indeed an efential IX. branch of felf- dominion, or rule over our own fpirits, without which we have not the right ufe of reafon, which is our prin- cipal diftinguifhing faculty, nor can regular- ly purfue the proper ends of fuch a being. On the one i_and, it is to be confidered, that our condition and capacity is limited and imperf t we cannot, at one view, comprehend the whole of things which are neceiTary to be confidered, in order to the direction of our choice and our prac- tice, but mull take them in gradually, and purfue our enquiries by leifurely Reps, as the narrownefs of the mind will allow. How then is the underftanding to be exercifed; if it is to be exercifed at all in forming our conduct, but in deliberation ? And what room is there for deliberation, unlefs the active powers be fufpended to give way to it ? On the other hand, this is the high pre- rogative of our being, above inferior agents, particularly thofe of the brutal kind. God bath made us with a variety of delires and affeftions, between which a ballance is to be preferved, that we may attain to the ends of our being, and enjoy our true happinefs. 'We have felfifh delires, which terminate in private good or enjoyment ; We will find in