Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

Self-government éfrential to Wifdom. 227 in our own hearts too, a defire, of the good S E R M: of others, and a defire to thofe anions IX. wherein our own minds may approve us, to the things which are pure, true, and juft, . and honeft, and lovely : The former are in many men ftrong and vehement, being con- tinually indulged and complied with ; the other are overlooked and neglected, where- by they become weak ; and yet the force of them appeared] very great, by the moil painful fenfations which arife in the mind for counter -ailing them. It is for thofe creatures which have no defires but what center in themfelves, to follow their direc- tion wholly and without any hefitation; but for us whom God hath endued with a capa- city, and even a fenfe of obligation to do good to others, and to pleafe him, we ought to cherifh and a&ively endeavour to ftrengthen thofe nobler fentiments and dif- pofitions, which is at the fame time pur- fuing our own happinefs in the belt manner ; for perceptions of the higheft pleafure are annexed to them. But in order to preferve this due ballance of the affections, and an- fwer the ends of our entire conftitution, which are fo much fuperior to thofe of the brutes, it is neceffary we fhould have, and habitually exert the power of fufpending our