Self-governmem ejential to Ír fdomò 229 Concerning every one of the pafflons we S E R Mn may underftand by ferions reflec`lion the par- IX. ticular ends and ufes they ferve ; and it is the province of reafon and confcience to keep them within thofe limits which the ends and ufes direEt, that is, to provide that they do not tranfport us beyond the juft de- fign, or into a vehemence above what the importance of it will allow. This will be bell: underftood by particular examples. An- ger is a paffion which the author of nature hath planted in us for our own neceffary defence, by repelling injuries, and that we may exert ourfelves with vigour for the pre - fervation of our lawful interefts againft un- juft invafion.; but it rifeth to an extreme which ought to be repreífed; when it tranf porteth us beyond thofe bounds, and when it ternìinateth in the deftrution or hurt of the injurious, without regard to our own fafety, which is the proper end. Again ; there are natural delres in men of very unequal moment which often rife to paffions, But how unreafonable and weak is it to be paffionate for trifles ? and thofe defires which are of greater confederation to the Rate of the world, but do not relate to the higheft ends of life, certainly we ought fo to govern, that the anxiety and uneafi- Q,,.,3 nefs