Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

z38 Self - government efential to Wïfom. S F R M. But, in the next place, I propofe to our IX. ferious thoughts the unfpeakable obligations we are under to the mercy of God for the gracious contrivance of the gofpel, the prin- cipal defign of which is to recover us to li- berty, or to felf- dominion ; to reflore the juíl empire of reafon and confcience, and to free us from the intolerable and moil igno- minious fervitude of fin. That which our bleffed Saviour intended to lead us to, is, a deliverance from the power of our lulls and pallions, bate and cruel mailers ; and though we have the principles in our conilitution, which, duly improved, might bring us to that flate of freedom, yet confidering how impotent we were become, God faw it need- ful, and we are greatly indebted to him for it, by a fignal and gracious interpofition to carry on that work. To this purpofe what could be better defigned ? God hath (hewed us what is good by a clear revelation ; true wifdom is taught by a law, not left to be found out by reafon, which in the greateft part of men is weak, and its light very much obfcured ; and a fan Ilion is added of the greatefl force to flrike our minds, and de- termine us to obedience. Eternal life is promifed to the fincere, and everlafling de- flrudion is threatened againfl impenitent fin- ners.