Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

[24dJ SERMON X, The PROUD and SCORNFUL incapable of attaining to WISDOM. PROVERBS XIV. 6. A fcorner feeketb wifdom, and findeth it not. S E R M. F wifdom or religious virtue be the no X. bleft accomplifhment of the human na, a- -"--) ture, molt fuitable to fuch beings as we are, in itfelf tranfcendently excellent, and upon a comparifon far more valuable than all we can defire in this world ; if it will afford the trueft and moil fubftantial pleafures to our minds while we live here, and the belt pro - fpea of future felicity in the enjoyment of the divine favour, yet without any real dif- advantage to our prefent outward intereft; all which I have endeavoured to Phew in difcourfing from feveral paffages in this book: If, 'I fay, it be fo, then certainly they who are convinced of this, fhould ufe their utmoll endeavours in the conftant purfuit of wif- dom ; they should refolutely thwart every