The Proud and Scornful, &c. 24! iticonfiftent inclination, and deny whatever S Ex M. may hinder their attaining it. The greateft X. difficulties we have to overcome, in order --v^^4 to our acquiring this blefied quality, and all its happy fruits, arife from ourfelves ; we have fo many felfifh affeions and paflions, which being indulged grow to an exorbitant height of power, and the tendency of them is contrary to virtue, that it will require the ftri ±eft and molt conftant attention to be preferved from their corrupting influence. I have lately explained felf- government, or as Solomon expreffeth it, having a rule over our own fpirits ; that is, obferving a ftri& difcipline in our minds, keeping a careful univerfal watch over our own fenfes, ima- gination, appetites, and paffions, fo far as they are under the direction of the under - ftanding and confcience ; and I (hewed you the neceffity and ufefulnefs of this, in order to our attaining to, and making proficiency in, religion, I propofe, in difcourfing from this text, to confider particularly the character and dif- pofition of the Scorner, and the obftru6tion which arifeth from it to men's becoming wife, which you fee Solomon reprefenteth as fo great, that in will defeat all means, and difappoint all the diligence men can ufe; V o L. III. R for