Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

incapadle of attaining to radon. 243 dui}, and indeed into deftruftion ; we may SE R obferve, that it is a perverfion or mifappli- X. cation of an original defire in the human nature, that is, the defire of honour, which God bath planted in us for excellent pur- pofes ; for it is of great ufe to our happinefs, and a fecurity to virtue. But when the de- fire terminateth ultimately, not on the things which are praife- worthy, but upon praife and refpeet feparated from worth, and is founded, not on any real excellency, but thofe things to which the weaknefs and folly of men have annexed efteem, it is then a faul- ty ambition ; and the overvaluing ourfelves upon fuch things, while we defpife others, or, in general, upon the apprehended right to, or poffeffion of any good efteemed above its real nature and ufe, is finful pride. Thus, for example, the goods of fortune, as they are commonly called, riches and power, be- ing the foundations of diftindion among men to which the opinion of the world bath affixed the idea of grandeur and magnifi- cence ; the natural perfeétions of the body, as ftrength and beauty; the accomplifh- ments of the mind, whether natural or ac- quired, fuch as wit and knowledge. In fine, whatever is reputable in the eyes of man -. kind, and particularly thofe we converfe R 2 with