Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

244 The Proud and Scornful St R M. with ; thefe are the fubjets of a fecret trii- X. umph and felf - applaufe in the thoughts of `'-v."") the proud, and the foundations upon which they claim a diftinguifhing refpel, defpi- fing in their hearts, and carrying it haugh- tily and fupercilioufly towards thofe whom they apprehend to be inferior to them. To explain this fubjeft more fully, it muff be obferved, that the overvaluing one's felf, which is meant by pride, bath a rela- tion to force other beings, and includeth a comparifon. And as the fcripture repre- fenteth pride under the notion of impiety, and the fource of an undutiful behaviour to. wards God, Pfal. x. 4. The wicked through the pride of his countenance, will not feek after God ; this fin doth import too great an elation of the mind, too high an efteem of one's felf, even upon a comparifon with the Deity. Not that any of mankind, or any intelligent creatures who acknowledge the being of God, do avowedly fet them- felves above him, for that would be too manifeft an abfurdity ; but they entertain fuch fond thoughts of their own perfeftion, merit, and fufficiency, as are really incon- fiftent with their profeffed acknowledgment of his fupremacy and their dependence, as derogate from his infinite unparallelled ex- cellency,