Confidence towards God, explained. 343 mind, will advance gradually; they that SE x M. have pure hearts, and clean hands, fhall wax XII J flrongcr and .111-anger in holinefs and virtue, that is, become more and more f ncere ; and as fincerity increafeth, fo will the evi- dences of it to the mind itfelf; the path of the juft is like the fining light, which fhineth more and more unto the perfei day; 'till more apparent by its genuine fruits before men, and in a more fenfible manner in- wardly perceived by its own confpicuous luflre, fo as to leave no room for hefita- tion concerning its reality, nor any remain- ing doubts of the divine approbation, con - faderirag the merciful terms of the gofpel, 4 SER-