Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

The Foundation of, &c. 345 fum of which is, that the fubjeft of the S E R M. heart's teftimony upon which it acquitteth XIV. men, is not perfect innocence; and that for it condemneth them, is not every the leaft failure which ftrictly may be called a fin ; if that were the meafure of the divine judgment, no man living could hope to be juftified in the fight of God. But as he will accept of fincere obedience, tho' not without fome infirmities, and will only condemn for wilful tranfgreffions; this Phew- eth upon what teftimony of confcience we have reafon to hope for his favour, or dread his indignation : That as unallowed failures will not be imputed, fo God will be mer- ciful to the unrighteoufnefs of the penitent, and remember their fins no more, as the gofpel expreffly affureth us ; and therefore the man whofe heart witneffeth for him that he hath forfaken his wicked ways, hath ceafed to do evil, and learned to do well; that he hath not only purpofed to amend, but brought forth, and continues to bring forth, fruits meet for repentance and amend- ment of life, hath a juft foundation for con- fidence towards God : That as this confi- dence is appropriated to the judgment of the heart already mentioned, the hope of divine acceptance, which is formed upon any t