Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

346 The Foundation of S E R M. any other grounds, fuch as religious pro - XIV. fefliion, obfervance of pofitive inftitutions, `'''' faith, or whatever elfe is, or may be fepa- rated from fincere obedience and true re- pentance, all fuch hope is deceitful: That men are liable to miftakes in this important affair, they fometimes fpeak peace to them - felves, or their hearts do not condemn them, when yet God doth not fpeak peace to them; but yet fuch miftakes may be avoided, and we are not under a fatal neceffity of be- ing deceived, if, as the prophet fpeaketh, we will thew ourfelves men, or ad a part be- coming rational creatures ; that therefore the Judgment of the heart concerning itfelf, up- on which ftrefs may be laid, muff not be rafh and indeliberate, but the refult of a diligent examination ; and, farther, the mind muff be diverted of ftrong mifleading pre- judices and prepoffeffions, efpecially a vehe- ment love of fin, producing an infenfibility of the excellence and the motives of virtue; which is fo far from being inevitable, that no man can arrive to it till after a long con -. tinued courfe of obftinate wickednefs, and violently refilling the remonfirances of his confcience. In fine, what the true decifion of this important point turneth upon, is fin- cerity, which being the whole of true reli- gion,