Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

348 The Foundation of SE R M, teacheth us is fupported by the concurring XIV. teftimony of other facred writers. The v-- apoítle Paul faith, Gal. vi. 4. Let every man prove his own work (examine his own a kions, tracing them to their fecret fprings, that he may be approved to his confcience) and then he flail have rejoicing in himfelf; which no chriflian can or ought to have without hope of the divine approbation. It was upon the fame foundation St. Paul built his own in- ward fatisfadion and peace, implying a per - fuafion that God accepted him, 2 Cor. i, 12. Our rejoicing is this, the tellimony of our confciences, that in /implicity and godly fin- cerity, not in flefhly wifdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our converfation in the world. In like manner Hezekiah, when put to the fevereft trial, having an immediate warning of death, comforted himfelf and had confidence towards God, upon which he offered up his acceptable prayers, appeal- ing to God himfelf, Remember, Lord, how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, 2 Kings xx. 3. But I may appeal to the experience of every man who will carefully look into his own heart, whether, upon an accurate felf- infpeëtion, there doth not arife, not only an inward ferenity and pleafure from a con- fcioufnefs