3 So The Foundatiosz bf S E R m. nately refolved not to part with, or the con XIV. founding apprehenfions of the divine diff '''-`'z pleafure, which they cannot bear ; and therefore betake themfelves to the poor un- manly refuge of an affeted and refolved ig- norance : Yet even in that they are not fafe; for a multitude of òccafions there are, not to be avoided, which lay them open to them- felves, and, in fpite of all their fttidied amufements to turn away their attention, give them a frightful view of their own de- formed tempers and anions, filling them with terror. He, faith our Saviour, yohn iii. zo. that doth evil, habitually and incorrigibly, hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, left his deeds fhould be reproved; fo ftrong is the impreflìon naturally upon the minds of men, that wilful wickednefs and depraved affedi- ons render them obnoxious to fuperior intelli- gent natures, above all, to the Supreme. What can be the reafon of this, which we find fo univerfal among mankind ? The good and the bad are agreed in a perfuafion that purity of heart and life is pleating to the Deity, and that corrupt difpofitions and immoral actions are difpleafing to him; therefore the felf - approving mind bath con- fidence towards him, and the reproaches of the heart, for its difhonefty and unreformed beloved