-352 The Foundation of S E R M. without being able to proceed any farther XIV. in fearching the grounds of its perfuafion. ---,r-- A clear and diftinct perception of the agree- ment or difagreement of our own ideas is the certain diflinguifhing mark of truth or falfhood in points of fpeculation; according- ly there are forne propofitions felf- evident, as we commonly fpeak, or the truth of which the underflanding neceffarily per - ceiveth as foon as they are intelligibly pro - pofed to it, fo that it would be a ridiculous attempt to prove them : Again, we find ourfelves obliged to acquiefce in the tefli- mony of the external fenfes concerning the qualities of material objets, together with the immediate effects they produce in us, fuch as pleafure and pain : If, now, there is an internal fenfe by which we as neceßàrily perceive the difference between right and wrong, or moral good and evil in affeftions and actions; and if, with an application to ourfelves, this confrantly and uniformly pro- duceth the directly oppofite effedts of felf- approbation and difapprobation, independent- ly on our own choice, together with a con- fidence and a fear towards other intelligent moral agents, efpecially the Supreme ; and, laftly, if all this appeareth to us whenever we attend to it, ftill the more evidently, the 4