3 54 The Foundation of S E R M. wards him and fear of his difpleafure, which XIV. I have endeavoured to fhew both fctipture `"ti`' and reafon eflablifh ; and, indeed, a great way in defeating the work of the law which is written in our hearts. The tradi- tions of men concerning rites and ceremo- nies which they fondly imagine will pleafe God, as our Saviour teacheth, tend to make void his moral precepts : And yet even thefe falfe notions of the Deity, and of religion, have not altogether extinguifhed this light which the Author of nature hath put into our minds, or fubverted the foundations of hope and fear arifing from the teftimony of con - fcience which are fo deep laid in our hearts. When a man hath brought himfelf to that pernicious opinion concerning the validity and fufficiency of external ads to pleafe God, the merit of others, good but ineffec- tual inclinations, or any fuch like things which may be feparated from doing fincerely the will of our heavenly Father, Rill he dares not altogether truft himfelf on that bottom; fufpicions will arife of fell:. deceit, and a con - fcience accufing for crimes unrepented of and unreformed, will break in upon his peace, threatening him with the divine difpleafure. On the other hand, the righte- ous is bold as a lion, he poffeffeth undifturbed tran-