Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

Confidence towards God, explained. 3 57 ceed only according to external evidence, S'a R M. but that it reacheth to the moll private and XIV. latent fprings of action, and the inward af- "--v-4 fe Lions and difpofitions of the mind, undif- cernable by any human, or, indeed, any created eye, and known only to the fearcher of hearts, and to the fpirit of a man which is within him. Every work, and every fe- cret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil, (hall be brought before the divine tribunal ; and when the Lord cometh, he will bring to light the hidden things of dark - nef , and make manifefl the coup Fels of the heart; and then every man 'hall have that praife, that due eflimate put upon him and his works, which is according to truth. It followeth that the mind itfelf, being the principal fcene wherein the works to be tried were tranfacled, the equity of the fen - tence to be pronounced on men will be ma- nifeft to themfelves, which it cannot be un- lefs their confcience witneffeth the fincerity or infincerity of their works upon which the fentence is founded ; and not only that it giveth this teflimony at the time of judg- ment, but that it judged the fame way when the works were done ; at leafl, would have judged the fame way but for its own fault, that is, its inattention and prejudices ; for A a a without P