Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

360 !Me Foundation of S E R M. gion, the unity of God, and other articles XIV. likewife, for probably they have a more ex- tenfive knowledge than any of mankind ; but what is the effe6t of their knowledge and their faith ? inftead of giving them con- fidence towards God, it maketh them trem- ble under the apprehenfions of his wrath ; and fo, in proportion, it muff do in all minds which detain the truth in unrighte- oufnefs. Shall it be Paid that the principles of re- ligion which God hath manifefted, whether by the light of nature or pofitive revelation, with a clearnefs fufficient to render ignorance inexcufable, and his laws injoining our duty, have a precife determined meaning, how then can we be accepted with him, if we come fhort of that meaning, either in our belief or our praétice; if our fentiments are not conformable to the truth which he hath declared, and if we do not really and effec- tually fulfil the true intent of his law, by doing the very actions it requireth ? I an- fiver, this reafoning is founded on a miflake concerning the nature of the obligations which God hath laid us under as reafonable creatures ; which obligations do not imme- diately terminate in the affent of our under - $landings, not properly':fubje6t to a law, no;*