362 The Foundation of S E R M. have imbibed falle notions of the Deity, and XIV. the way of pleafing him, their minds are corrupted from the fimplicity of a rational devotion ; inftcad of which, they run into empty forms and idle ceremonies, nay, into barbarous and unnatural crimes. But fuch falfe notions do not at all excufe the crimes which they produce, becaufe, as I have al- ready obferved, they are themfelves faulty in the foundation of them, proceeding from inattention, and efpecially from a defeec of good difpofitions, or the prevalence of evil ones ; and becaufe the wicked courfe of ahIions to which they lead, is direftly con- trary to that fenfe of good and evil fo deeply engraven on the minds of men, as to con- demn their vices in fpight of all pretences to juftify themfelves. This the apoftle Paul, in the lft to the Romans, illuftrateth in the inftance of the Gentile idolatry introducing a deluge of vice ; he faith, they went into moll abfurd opinions concerning` the divine nature, changing the glory of God into ima- ges ; and the confequence was, that they were abandoned to vile affections, and to the molt heinous unnatural wickednefs in praetice. But then he fheweth wherein the real malignity of their errors, and the un- happy fruits of them confiftcd; their erro -, neous