364 The Foundation of S E x M. they were contentious, and obeyed not the X1V. truth, but obeyed unrighteoufnefs, and prac- tifed cruelty. And the Pharifees placed their hope of acceptance on the exalt ob- fervance of pofitive infl:itutions, and the out- ward appearance of fantity in their lives, while they indulged themfelves in pride and covetoufnefs : But our Saviour fheweth their infincerity, comparing them to whited fe- pulchres, which appear outwardly beautiful, but within are full of dead mens bones and all uncleannefs; fo they appeared righteous be_ fore men, but within were full of hypocrify and iniquity ; and in proportion, Rill fo far as this dangerous notion prevaileth, fincerity is negle ted, which only can render us ac- ceptable to God. Not only fo, but men judge the fame way of others as they do concerning them- felves, and imagining they have got pofl'ef- fion of the orthodox faith, and what they call the true religion, that is, the right modes of worfhip, and other outward performan- ces, they pronounce damnation on all who differ from them. Hence arife mutual ha- treds, contentions, and animofities, about religion, whilft real religion, that is, fince- rity, is not at all attended to ; hence perfe- Cution for confcience fake, and under the z pretence