Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

366 The Foundation of S ER M. the only juif ground upon which they cati XIV. have hope towards him. 2dly, It is to be regretted that fome arti- cles of chriftianity itfelf have been perverted to purpofes contrary to their true deugn, particularly contrary to the doEfrine of this text ; efpecially what the gofpel hath taught concerning the mediation of Chrift, his fa- crifice, and our juftification by faith in him, bath been fo mifapplied. It is the principle of the Antinonzians, that chriftians are fo only juffified by faith in his imputed righte- oufnefs, that they are difcharged from all obligation to obey the divine moral precepts, as neceffary to their acceptance with God. This opinion bath by fome been carried into praaice, who thereupon have aban- doned themfelves to licentious immorality with confidence; though, indeed, good men, who have contended for it in fpeculation, have, through the firength of their virtuous affeéfions, efcaped its pernicious influence. But many there are who, without examin- ing carefully the principle, place their hope towards God on the merits of Jefus Chriff, while their hearts condemn them ; at leaft, if they confidered, would condemn them for wilful tranfgreflion unrepented of and un- reformed. If any fuch dofrine were taught in