Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

68 She Foundation of S E R M. wrath denounced againft the impiety and XIV. unrighteoufnefs of men ? It is true that, in "7"v"""' the gofpel, great virtue is attributed to the blood of Chrift, it cleanfeth us from all fin, it purgeth our confciences from dead works to ferve the living God; and by it God bath reconciled the world to himfelf, not imputing their trefpajes ; But all this is not intended to fuperfede the neceflity of repentance and new fincere obedience ; for the fins which we truly forfake, bringing forth fruits meet for amendment of life, and unallowed infir- mities, we have the higheft affurance that they fhall not be imputed ; and the mercy of God, manifefted in the death of Chrift, is the great confirmation of our hopes : But to carry our confidence further, and to expel: the forgivenefs of the fins in which we ob- ftinately perfift, becaufe he died for us, and gave full fatisfaîáion for our ofences, is to make him the minifter of fin. I conclude with an exhortation, always to preferve a facred regard to confcience: See- ing its approbation is of fo vaft moment, the only ground upon which we can affure our hearts before God, we fhould pay a fubmif- five refpea to its dií`tates, and maintain its rights inviolable, for they are the rights of its great and foie Lord. We fhould always hear