Confidence towards God, explained. 369 hear its voice againft any thing that may S E R M= come in competition with it, whether the XIV, perfuafion or authority of men, or our own pafiions, worldly interefßs, and felfifh affec- tions If we do not fallow its direction in our condu &, we cannot hope for its approving tefrimony upon a review of it. It is true you will be even in this method liable to miftakes, and fo you will in every method you can take, for infallibility is not the pri- vilege of the human underltanding ; but al- ways Rudy fincerity, that is, be diligent and unprejudiced in your inquiry, that you may know your duty, and impartially follow the belt judgment you can make. This will fupply the want of infallibility to the pur- pofe of our acceptance with that equitable judge, who bath himfelf fo framed our na- ture, that it is the very belt way we can ad. The dotrines of the gofpel concerning the free Grace of God and "the death of Ghrifl, may then be improved to our confolation ; we have entrance with boldnefs into the divine prefence by the bleed of .7efus, if we draw near with a true heart, in the affurance of faith, having cur hearts Jprinkled from an evil con /cience, and our bodies wafhed with pure water, Heb. X. 22; VOL. III Bb SERa