[ 370 I SERMON XV. Walking by FAIT H) not by SIGH T) explained and recommended. 2 CORINTHIANS V. 7. For we walk by faith not by fight. SLRM.'HERE is nothing more becoming XV. fuch reafonable creatures as we are, than upon mature deliberation to fix tome certain principle as a general rule whereby to govern our lives, and conftantly to adhere to it. The leaft attention to what paffeth in our own minds, will convince us that there are various fprings of aEtion in them; we have affeétions, appetites, and paffions, of different tendencies, and which deter- mine us to the purfuit of different objeas, as much fo as heaven and earth, as fpirit and body, as the improvement of know- ledge and the gratification of fenfe, as the mental pleafures which arife from moral good, and the low enjoyments which are common to men and brutes. But every man,