Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

Walking by Faith, not by Sight, &c. 371 roan, who thinketh at all, muff fee that the S E x M; true perfeftion of his nature doth not con- XV. fill in, and his higheft happinefs doth not `''d depend upon; the gratifying without any controul or reftraint every inclination or de- fire which happeneth to arife in him; There is an order effablifhed by the Author of our being, that the true ends of it may be ob- tained; there muff be harmony, otherwife the human conffitution is an unfinifhed piece, not like the other works of Gods which have all of them the plain charaEfers of wife defign appearing in their beautiful union, the parts,' howevervario us, being mu-- tually related to each other, and all agree- ing in one common end. Now, if there is order and harmony intended originally in the frame of our minds,' and if it be neceffary to the defign of our being and the higheff enjoyment we were made for, there muff be government; a fubordination of force affections to others, fo as the former íhall be gratified only by the permiflion of the latter; all the aCive powers muff be under a law to exert themfelves only in fuck a manner, and to fuck' a degree, as one go- verning principle dire teth. Of this we have a plain and fufficient evidence in ourfelves, namely, that we cannot allow an unreffrain- bz ed