Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

372. Walking by Faith, not by Sight, S E u ed indulgence of every inclination or appetite XV. with the approbation of our own minds. We can never be happy in any thing while we are uneafy in ourfelves, I mean, while pain and difcontent arife from a review of our own afions; but this is unavoidable when we at contrary to our fenfe of moral good and evil : Now, it is the firft law of our nature, that we fhould be juftified to ourfelves, which we can never be, without fubjeEting all our defines and a&ive powers to con - fcience. Still it is to be remembered that we are voluntary Agents, and as fuch muff purfue the ends of our being ; our happinefs and the perfe Lion of our nature refult from the actions which we chufe to do, indeed, they alone are properly our adl.ions ; we are not like many other creatures, which neceffarily, and without any afivity of theirs, fulfil what is called the law of their nature, but filch is our conftitution, that the ends of it can only be attained by the exercife of our liberty, and by an active obedience to the laws which God hath given us. We are not under a necefTity of acting according to the diredtion of every inftin i in our na- ture, but find in ourfelves a power of fufpend- ing the execution of what we are prompt- ed